
Guam Reef Hotel Art Display

The Guam Reef Hotel is hosting an Art Exhibit in celebration of Chamorro History month.

The display contains work from 7 artists: Ron Castro (including some of his Master weaver collections and his canoe series) and paintings from Maria Fitzpatrick, Carol Simpson-Warner, Yeon Sook Park, Monica Baza, and myself.

The artwork will be on display from March 17-31 in the lobby in front of the Bon Voyage gift shop.


The 7th Annual Art Show, on Guam

We had a great turn out at the art show last night. I submitted two paintings, "Island Girl" and "Plumeria Trio".

The exhibit will continue all week from March 2-9, 2012.

It was fun to see the local artwork and have a chance to chat with other artists from around the island.


article link

I wanted to thank my friend Nahono for writing a nice article about my artwork in her blog. Nahono is a photographer and will also have some of her work in the show tonight.

3月は女性の歴史月間☆グアム女性のパワーを感じよう! tokuhain.arukikata.co.jp
毎年3月8日はInternational Women's Day(国際女性デー...